Executive Dating Isn’t for Everyone

by | Sep 20, 2018 | Lifestyle And Relationships

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Matchmaking services have been in existence for decades. The advent of technology – beginning with video and culminating with the Internet – was the catalyst in a virtual explosion of companies looking to match singles with compatible mates. As the technology advanced, services have become more specialized, allowing like-minded individuals to select their potential partners based on shared interests, values, and even income levels. Executive dating is one of the newer arrivals on the dating service scene.

What does an executive dating or professional dating service offer that is different from other matchmaking services? For starters, these types of services specialize in matching individuals who have a certain lifestyle that makes meeting the right person more challenging. Doctors, lawyers, company presidents, and other professionals face unique challenges when it comes to the singles scene. They are high earning individuals who live well but may be extremely busy. Working singles at a particular income level may spend a good deal of their time traveling or involved in social activities related to their job.

Clients of executive dating services often have high standards about whom they choose to date. For them, traditional avenues for meeting potential mates, such as bars, churches, or volunteer activities, aren’t likely to produce any real options for a long-term relationship. Speed dating is definitely not for these singles. Professionals may be widowed or divorced and wary about jumping back into a long-term relationship. An executive matchmaking service can help bring people from similar backgrounds together.

Dating services that cater to professionals may have somewhat different approaches. A matchmaking service emphasizes compatibility, with an eye toward long-term relationships and marriage. There are also companies that provide a venue for single professionals to meet others in their income bracket who are looking to date and have a good time without necessarily wanting a long-term commitment.

The most recent statistics on marriage in the U.S. showed that there are more single people – never married, divorced, and widowed – than at any time in history. The Internet has allowed people to become more connected than at any time in history, but it’s also resulted in a lot more isolation. Dating and matchmaking services, whether they cater to executives, the wealthy, divorcees, religious singles, or the lonely-hearted in general, offer a number of advantages, as a growing number of happily matched couples can attest. And they’re becoming an increasingly popular solution.

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