Why Choose Dental Implant Manassas Services?

by | Sep 26, 2013 | Dentistry

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Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth. The process starts with a consultation and evaluation to determine if you are a good candidate for implants or what needs to be done to make it happen. This option is touted as better in several ways over dentures and partials. The one drawback is that they can take several months to heal due to the need for the titanium root screw to bond to the jawbone. Here are some facts about dental implant Manassas services.

The Initial Consultation

The first step in having dental implants placed is the initial consultation. Your dentist may take bite-wing x-rays first to look at your jawbone and mouth structure. A periodontist is used to evaluate the gum-line and the area where the implant(s) will be placed. This is all to make sure you have enough bone structure and strength to handle the implant(s). Bone grafts may be needed when bone support is lacking. Depending on your medical condition and other factors related to your facial bone structure, you dentist and periodontist will consult about what needs to be done and if it’s possible to install the titanium root(s) and tooth implants.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants provide a more permanent solution over dentures and partials (bridges). Implants are better than dentures for a whole mouth of new teeth because they help maintain the integrity of your facial bone structure. If you’ve ever seen someone that has worn dentures for a few years, you notice how their jawline deteriorates and ages them. Bridges can replace one or more teeth, but they require the support of other teeth to be effective. This puts pressure on otherwise healthy teeth which can end in losing them anyway. Dental implants are also more natural looking than other tooth replacement options.

Tooth implants cost more than dentures or bridges. Most dentists provide a payment plan that helps people to afford this solution. Your insurance is not likely to cover any costs of any form of cosmetic dentistry unless there are extenuating circumstances. You will find out more at your dental implant Manassas dentist when you have your evaluation and consultation.

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