When you are worrying about the bills that you owe, your life is stressful. You may be dealing with collection calls at home and even at work. If you are dealing with increasing debt and do not know where to turn, you need to know that you have rights. If you have tried to workout arrangements with your creditors and have not come to a solution, you can file bankruptcy and get the help that you need through a Bankruptcy Attorney in Riverside.
When you first contact the Bankruptcy Attorney in Riverside, he or she will ask you to bring in paperwork and information regarding the debts that you owe. You will need to bring in information on your bills. It is important that you bring in any account information and the amounts that you owe. Your attorney will need to include all of this information in your bankruptcy filing papers. Any debts that are mistakenly left out, will be your responsibility to pay.
When meeting with your Bankruptcy Attorney in Riverside, you will be given guidance on how your case will proceed. The attorney will draw up all of your paperwork and file this with the courts. Once the paperwork has been filed, you will be given a hearing date. This information will also be sent to all of the creditors that you owe. They will have the right to attend the hearing and dispute your bankruptcy.
In the end, it will be up to the judge to make the decision on your bankruptcy. Depending on the type that you have filed for, you may be responsible for paying a monthly payment to the court or you may not have to pay at all, during the bankruptcy period. Your attorney will help you in making the best decision for your financial needs.
If you are dealing with tons of debt that you just cannot get out of, contacting a Bankruptcy Attorney in Riverside should be your first move. By getting the help of an attorney, you can avoid the stress and work on repairing your finances and your future.