The Importance of Physical Therapy for Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief

by | Jul 24, 2019 | Physical Therapy

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Living with joint pain is a reality that most people deal with in various degrees. While prevalent among the elderly and those with physically strenuous or repetitive occupations, joint pain affects people in a wide range of ages and lifestyles. When the body’s ability to move is disabled or restricted, pain can cause simple movements to become difficult, causing our bodies to restrict the range of motion even further. Common remedies include painkillers, which, unfortunately, do not provide lasting joint pain relief.

Physical therapy in Lafayette, CO, can be the solution you need to gain your comfort and mobility back. This therapy can speed joint pain relief by restoring the use of the affected joints, rehabilitating and increasing the strength of muscles and connective tissues that support the joints, and encouraging general habits of fitness, so you can perform desired activities. Our team at Metropolitan Physical Therapy, LLC, provides a variety of services, including manual therapy, joint manipulation and mobilization, occupational rehabilitation, and patient advocacy for your condition with other health-care providers and your insurance company.

Sports medicine physicians are licensed to examine, diagnose, and treat, and aid in the prevention of conditions that impair the body’s mobile functions. Working with these professionals will provide joint pain relief and equip you with a customized regimen of exercises to improve strength, coordination, and elasticity. We will help you understand and perform the exercises, as well as advise you on nutrition and prevention strategies to help you properly care for and preserve your joints.

If you would like to know more about how physical therapy can help you, we are licensed and certified to assist you. Call Metropolitan Physical Therapy, LLC office today and feel free to ask any questions you may have. We would be happy to help you understand your individual joint or functional concerns and what to do about them.

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