Critical Reasons to Retain One of the Local Bethesda Divorce Lawyers

by | Nov 21, 2023 | Divorce

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After years of sharing both your lives and business together, you and your spouse may decide it is time to end your professional and romantic relationship with each other. You may want to cut ties with your spouse and move on with your life entirely free from this other person.

However, you may wonder how is a business owned by both spouses divided in Maryland divorce cases first. You can get the answers you need to take the most proactive and beneficial steps toward your future by hiring one of the Bethesda divorce lawyers to represent you.

Equal Shares

The question of whether or not you and your spouse get equal shares of the business after you get divorced largely depends on whether or not you both owned it equally prior to you getting married. If you started the business after you got married, you and your spouse may be entitled to equal shares in it. If you or your spouse owned it prior to getting married, whoever owned it before the marriage may get to keep all of it.

However, your attorney can check the legal documentation for the company and provide proof to the court of rightful ownership. You may still get a share of it or proceeds from it if the judge orders either of you to sell the company.

Retain one of the Bethesda divorce lawyers online today. Contact Shah & Kishore today to learn how is a business owned by both spouses divided in Maryland divorce cases.

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