Begin Your Studies This Year

by | Feb 18, 2019 | Education

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When you enjoy helping others learn and have a passion for the arts, an art education degree may be the right career path for you. In our educational institution, we provide you with all of the courses and learning opportunities that you will need in order to thrive as an art educator. Whether you have plans to teach art to elementary students, high school students, college students or people in the community, we have courses and faculty ready to help you on your journey.

In our program, you will connect with faculty who are also passionate about education. They help you along your educational experience and offer mentoring that will aid in your growth as a future educator. You will also have many opportunities to connect with your fellow classmates and learn from each other. Our community connections also facilitate your career development. We make it possible for you to apply for internships at various community centers, after-school programs, recreational facilities and public and private schools.

We look forward to help you achieve your dreams to become an art teacher. More people are gaining an appreciation for the arts and the use of art therapy to help with mental health and chronic conditions. As a future art teacher, you may be able to provide your students with all of these benefits. You will also enjoy watching the students grow and thrive as they get to know art techniques and try them on their own while having fun.

When you are considering an art education degree, contact us at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. We look forward to answeriart education degreeng any questions that you have about this area of study. You may also visit us online at in order to learn more about our degree programs and classes.

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